Please comment to this post or notify us of additional stories at savekoreanstudies @
- New Tang Dynasty TV, 5/10, “柏克萊大學秋季預算削減影響東亞語言教育”
- Community TV Network, 5/10, “柏克萊大學東亞語言系消減預算記者會” (with video story of Berkeley press conference)
- Nichibei Times Weekly, 5/15, “UC Berkeley Students Rally Against Asian Language Cuts”
- Korea Times SF, 5/16, “6월까지 20만달러 이상 필요”
- Joongang Bangsong (중앙방송), 5/16, “UC버클리 '한국어학 살리자'”
- Korea Times SF, 5/16, “한국어강의 축소저지에 전념”
-, 5/17, “버클리대의 '한국어과 죽이기'?”
- SF Korea Daily, “한인사회가 한국어 강의 살려”
- Korea Daily (중앙일보), 5/17, “'한국어반 살려주오' UC버클리 학생들, 한인사회 지원 호소”
if only there were more media coverage from larger publications.
yeah, the chronicle of higher education and contra costa times pieces were great but the SF Chronicle, Oakland Tribute, SJ Mercury News (at least!) should be interested too...
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